Sunday, October 17, 2010

How GF are you?

I tried to take the genetic test before my husband and I were married.  My insurance company and the only hospital that was doing them stopped the year prior to me calling.   Would we have risked marriage if we would have know what all could of gone wrong if our genes mixed?  That will always be unknown and I am glad because I Love my little bit to pieces.

Our parenting technique and the view on GFing are 100% different though.  I am still at the extreme safe end. If I can't find on the package that it is GF, find on the web that it is or is not GF, or if I call the company and can not get a complete answer from someone that sounds knowledgeable  on the subject then I will not give it to my child.  If they say that it is manufactured in a company with other products they may contaminate it To me the product has a giant red flashing light on it saying don't eat.

My husband is much more relaxed.  He will read the label and as long as no wheat products are mentioned he is good to go.  Being made in the same company as another product his thoughts are what are the chances of contamination and if it is it still has to be small.

So anyone else have an opinion?  I know that I will relax as I learn more .  I had planned on buying the shopping guide come the new year.  I am no longer sure I can wait that long.  I want to shake my husband every time he feeds her something I have not approved.   I can understand his frustration with me needing to approve what she eats.  

I feel my mother bear come out saying these years are still so important and they will impact the rest of her life.  We have not healed her intestines up yet why are you putting them at risk again, you can give her cancer, cause her to have miscarriage after miscarriage or many other fertility issues.  I just want to hit my knees begging , screaming , and pleading to anyone and everyone that tries to give my child food.  I want to ask the world to wake up because America has the most Celiac's so why can't I go to a fall fest without having to explain to my child that no she will never be able to go on a hay ride.  That I am not punishing her, she is not bad , and she will not be able to do it when she grows up.  A little piece of my heart breaks usually when I have to tell her those things.  Recently I am wondering if little pieces of my soul are not starting to as well.

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